Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Inspiration

    • Welcome To iwannabe!

    • Introduction To Becoming A YouTuber

  • 2


    • Why?

    • Over Saturation

    • Ageism

  • 3

    Setting Up Channel

    • Starting FAQs

    • Setting Up Channel

  • 4


    • Cameras

    • Tripods/Mounts

    • Lighting

    • Lighting pt.2

    • Backdrops

    • Video Editor

    • Equipment List

  • 5


    • Consistency & Scheduling

  • 6

    Building A Fan Base

    • How To Grow?

  • 7


    • Getting Sponsorships

    • What's Your Worth?

    • Social Bluebook

    • Payments

    • Analytics

    • Manually Place Ads

  • 8

    What Else Should You Know?

    • Create. Have. Include

    • Outsourcing

    • Memberships

    • Structuring A Description

    • Adding Music

    • Affiliate Linking

    • Affiliate Link Examples

  • 9

    Film With Me

    • Filming

    • Editing

    • Thumbnail

    • Uploading

    • Lightroom Presets

    • BDAY Launch Shoot Vlog

  • 10

    Thank You

    • Recap

    • Outro

  • 11

    BONUS: Brand Sponsorship Platforms

    • Platforms

  • 12

    BONUS: Contribution Worksheet

    • What's Your Contribution

  • 13

    BONUS: Resourceful Apps/Sites

    • Resource List

  • 14

    BONUS: FTC Guidelines

    • FTC

  • 15

    BONUS: Recommended Readings


  • 16

    BONUS: Recommended Creators


  • 17

    EXCLUSIVE Facebook Group

    • Link

  • 18

    iwannabe Planners

    • Planner Options + Student Discount

    • Discount

    • Purchase Your Planner Here!

  • 19

    iwannabe Merch

    • 100+ Styles!

  • 20

    Sponsor Thank You!

    • Thank You

  • 21

    BONUS: Indoor Swimshoot

    • The Set Up (lighting, angle, pivo, tripod)

    • Editing The Photos (lightroom)

  • 22

    BONUS: Revenue Up 42% In Only TWO WEEKS! Manual Ads!

    • Placing Manual ADS Worked!

  • 23

    BONUS: $20K in ONE DAY | Contracts

    • Contracts pt. 1

    • Contracts pt. 2

    • Slides